Monday, October 19, 2009


I arrived in Boise today. Jackson's pick line has been taken out. He is on full feeds, 20 cc and an extra 2 calorie enhancer. He seems to be handling his feedings well. The nurse says his stomach has a lot of air in it from the Cpap machine. His O2 are still high, but his red blood cell count seems to be fine. They are not sure why he's needing more O2. His chest x-ray shows fluid in his lungs and it may be from the heart valve having a small leak in it.

I'm looking forward to holding him at 3:00.


  1. I'm so happy to hear that Jackson is improving every day! Thank you for keeping us updated through Jackson's blog. You are all in my prayers. I added Jackson to the prayer list at church on Sunday. -God Bless, Jenny

  2. Oh, It sounds like he is doing so well. What a blessing!
