Saturday, January 9, 2010

Home for 6 days- Amazing Jackson

Jackson has done so well at home. He has overcome so much for being born so early. His last brain scan showed that his level 1 brain bleed was resolving and that there were no other issues developing. He still continues to have high blood pressure and is taking medication for it. I will be taking him to Boise next week (Wednesday) for an appointment with the kidney specialist regarding his BP. On Friday he had an eye exam with good results.

I took Jackson on Thursday for his first appointment with his pediatrician. He weighed 7lbs 5 oz. The doctor was impressed with how well he was doing. She didn't seemed too concerned.

He is becoming more and more alert. He loves to look around and eat. It's hard to sleep at night because he grunts and groans all night long. We have to give him glycerin shots every 12 hours to help him have a bowl movement. He's taking 3 different medications that I'm struggling to give him without them being spit out. He's not a fan of his medications. He makes the best faces when I try to give them to him. If I put it in his milk, he will not suck it down. If I give them after his feeds he spits them up.

I had a lactation specialist come over to my home to help give advice with getting Jackson to nurse. She was wonderful, she gave me some good advice and tips to help Jackson be more successful. If anyone needs help with this, I highly recommend Amy Peterson.

The boys were so excited when we came home. It was such a neat moment to watch how they reacted around Jackson. They have been so gently to Jackson, what great big brothers.

I'm so grateful for all the help that my family has offered to us during this time. My mom has been coming over after work to help fold the laundry . To watch the kids so I can go grocery shopping, to hold the baby and talk with me for support and comfort, she's been so great! My brother Blaine comes over and helps entertain the kids and do dishes. He's been helping me since I was on bed rest. Thank you little brother. My dad still continues to pickup James from Preschool and doing things around our house, like put up our new blinds, change the batteries in our fire alarms . Thank you dad! Thanks to all the friends that have been bringing us meals. Thank you Lisa for continuing to take the boys to school. I'm not ready to Jackson out into public yet. Thank you to my husband for always staying so positive and supporting me. He's a great dad and husband. I'm so grateful for all the nurses and doctors at the NICU. They were amazing. I'm very grateful for the many blessings the Lord has given to our family. He has been my strength through all this and has give me much comfort and hope. Jackson is our little miracle from Heavenly Father.

I met some neat families at the NICU and Ronald McDonald house that I will miss. I met an amazing family whose daughter was born at 23 weeks and passed away after 9 days. Please pray for the Swenson family. I will never forget them and my heart aches for their loss.

I went and bought a larger freezer yesterday to store all my breast milk. I need to get to bed, I average 4 hours a night since I've been home.


  1. Oh Marilyn, I am so happy to hear that Jackson is doing so well at home. He really is a little miracle. He looks so cute in his car seat. What a little angel. I love the pictures of all 4 of your precious boys together, too. What a true blessing. Please remember, I am only a phone call away!!

  2. Marilyn,
    I love reading your latest updates on Jackson. Jackson is so adorable and looks great. I am so happy he is healthy and happy at home. I am so glad we met you and David. You are a great couple and helped us so much while we were at the NICU with Eden. We will keep your family in our prayers to continue to be happy and healthy. Best of luck. Jeremy and I are so happy for you.


  3. I'm so happy that Jackson is doing so well! What a cutie.
