Monday, December 28, 2009

85 days in the NICU 38 weeks gestation

I'm getting very anxious to go home. I miss my boys and husband. I'm so ready to go home, it's been a tough week and it's only Monday. Jackson needs to eat more orally before his feeding tube can be taken out. He doesn't like to nurse, so I've been giving him the bottle to help increase his % of feeds orally. Once he reaches 80% his tube will be taken out and then this will get us closer to going home. I keep telling myself, I've been here 85 days, what's 14 more days.

Jackson is a feisty little guy. He's always grunting and groaning. All the fortification that is added to his breast milk is hard on his stomach. I'm off to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is such a sweetie and growing so big! These preemies grunt and grunt and gunt A LOT!
    Hang in there- know that we think of you often and pray for Jackson to heal and progress so you may all be together as a family soon!
