Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blood Transfusion

Today Jackson is getting a blood transfusion to help him get more red blood cells and to help him get off the Cpap sooner. He has been having a lot of desaterations in his oxygen levels. He's up to 28cc for his feedings and handling them well.

I'm feeling much better today. My dad and brother Blaine came over last night and gave me a priesthood blessing. I haven't been that sick for a long time, I'm glad to be on the mends.

Davids mom has been wonderful helping me all week as I was trying to recover from being sick. She took the boys to Shelly Idaho today to visit their cousins at aunt Becky's house for the weekend. It's kind of lonely being home in an empty house. David will be home tonight from his work trip and we are going to go to Boise together for the first time since Jackson was born. It will be nice to be able to spend time together this weekend.

I can't wait to see my little Jackson on Saturday. I has been over a week and I'm sure he will look bigger. I will definitely be wearing a mask for the next few days. I've missed him so much.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear you were sick... and I didn't even know!!! What a terrible friend I am!! I am glad you are feeling better now and I hope you enjoy your trip to Boise this weekend!
